CommunityLock HistoryLove Locks adorn a fence

Well, my friends, Valentine’s Day is here. A dozen eggs cost over 6 bucks and a dozen roses are over 60! Time to venture beyond the traditional date ideas for Cupid’s Holiday. Fortunately, we have a unique, romantic, affordable date night idea that you and your honey will remember for years to come. 


A high of 40, partial sun, and dry weather is predicted for Friday, which means it’s the perfect time to lace up your hiking boots and head outdoors to soak in nature’s beauty. You are going to a plan a hike that will bring you to something both intriguing and heartwarming—a chainlink fence around a bridge gradually becoming adorned with padlocks.


The idea is beautiful in its simplicity: couples mark their padlock with their initials and secure it to a bridge or gate, symbolizing the permanence and strength of their bond. Much like the promise of unbreakable love, the lock is meant to remain there, a lasting testament to their commitment. Read on to learn about this phenomenon that has captured hearts around the world.


The Mysterious Origins of Love Locks

Like many cherished romantic traditions, the origins of love locks are somewhat murky. A quick online search presents you with several fascinating backstories. The 2 most common origin stories are: 


  1. Serbia Roots: The tradition is rumored to have started with Nada and the daring Relja, whose passionate story laid the groundwork for this symbol of love.
  2. A Tragic Romance: Others trace the idea back to a heartbroken Hungarian woman, widowed by World War I, who wanted to immortalize a lost love.


Regardless of its true genesis, the modern Love Lock tradition can be traced to the early 2000’s in Europe, where couples began affixing padlocks to bridges as a symbol of unbreakable their bonds. The surge of social media brought widespread attention to the practice, resulting in Love Locks adorning fences and gates in more and more locations across the globe.


Love Locks Closer to Home

While Maryland may not boast an internationally recognized love lock bridge, the spirit of the tradition has quietly found its way into the local landscape. Within a 50-mile radius of Frederick, you can discover charming spots where local couples have embraced the practice. Two such spots are on our very own section of the Appalachian Trail.

Shows a Google Earth image of the Access Point closest to the footbridge that crosses over 1-70 near Myersville, MD.

The Appalachian Trail Footbridge Crossing I-70

The footbridge crossing Route 70 near Myersville, MD has been steadily gaining love locks for several years. After you snap your lock onto the chainlink, you can stand on the bridge and wave to the cars passing below.


This bridge is accessible from the parking lot on Route 40, a quarter mile east from Greenbriar State Park.

Love Locks on the bridge the crosses the Potomac near Maryland Heights and Harpers Ferry, WV

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park / Maryland Heights

The walking bridge over the Potomac River along the Appalachian Trail in Harpers Ferry National Historical Park also sees numerous love locks attached to its links. the park service does cull the locks from time to time tto avoid such disasters as occurred on the most famous love lock bridge, the Pont des Arts in Paris–spoiler alert–it collapsed due to the weight of the locks; however, this is still a romantic and achievable commemoration of your love. 


Just head to the Maryland Heights Trail Parking. The trail to Maryland Heights begins with the Potomac Footbridge. If you are outdoorsy and daring, you can continue all the way on to the view–but be warned, it is steep in some areas and takes about 6.5 hours round trip. If you’re just looking for some scenery and a place to commemorate your love, no need to continue on! You can always spend an enjoyable afternoon exploring the Lower Town of Harpers Ferry.


Ready to Plan the Perfect Date?

Come to our storefront and grab one of our Love Locks padlocks. These are used padlocks that are sold at a ridiculous discount, open, with no key (originally, part of the tradition was throwing the key over the bridge, but that is frowned upon, or you know. . . illegal.). Just leave your lock open until you are ready. Snap the lock onto the chainlink chosen for your commemoration and move on!

Note: You may want to bring a Sharpie or other means of applying your initials to the lock with your partner once you arrive. Alternatively, you can have it ready to go! 

Want to Level Up?

When you come in to pick up your love lock, take a look at our Immortal Roses. These 3D printed roses are made in house! These gorgeous  stems will last forever–just like your love. All the romance of roses without the ungodly pricetag! 

Able Locksmiths, LLC
304 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701



A pink Love Lock adorns the chain link fence on a bridge that crosses the Potomac River near Maryland Heights and Harpers Ferry, WV.
Image Credit: Cristy/Only in Your State